
A consultation includes Pulse diagnosis and assessment of imbalances, body constitution analysis, analysis of digestion and metabolism (agni), ama (toxins) and advice on lifestyle management, diet, yoga, pranayamas, meditation, herbs and suggestions on marma and protocols like panchakarma. For Panchakarma or any therapies we do not provide in house, we would refer you to certified facilities and experts.

Please talk to our team about setting up an appointment, follow-ups and consultation charges.

Here are the types of consultations we offer
a) Consultation for lifestyle management to optimize health (General preventative consultation)
b) Consultations for specific ailments like migraines, cholesterol, diabetes etc.
c) Children with special needs – Our world and the current environment has a number of children struggling with special needs and we wonder why? Some theories attribute it to over diagnosis but that is only part of the picture. There are other reasons. It is likely that there are factors in our diet and lifestyle that trigger something that can be managed and alleviated through natural interventions as well. Specific diet and lifestyle switches, yoga therapies, mudras, meditations, herbs and treatment protocols can help.
d) Weight Management with Ayurveda – This is the world of diets and one can easily go overboard. But one has to keep the focus on being healthy. If we are healthy, we generally tend to not be under or overweight and Ayurveda helps with weight management for people who have that as their goal. As part of this consult, we provide you with diet and lifestyle tips and connect you with our yoga therapist for optimal results.